Friday, December 27, 2019

The Current Situation Of Bangladesh - 1095 Words

Background: Bangladesh is a unitary parliamentary republic with an elected parliament called Jatiyo Sangshad. It gained its independence from Pakistan in 1971 and has, since then, seen alteration of civilian and military regimes. After the independence, the new state endured poverty, famine, political turmoil and military coups. The current situation in Bangladesh is embedded in the history and political situation of the country. In 2001, when the Awami League lost the elections to the Bangladesh Nationalist party, widespread political unrest followed the resignation of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP). However, the military backed â€Å"caretaker† government worked out to bring the parties for the elections within the required amount of time, but the Awami League withdrew from the elections at the very last minutes. Therefore the caretaker government lasted from 2007 to 2008. The country had suffered for decades from widespread corruption, chaos, and political aggression. The caret aker government worked to fight and demolish corruption from all levels of government. It arrested more than 160 people on charges of corruption including politicians, civil servants and businessman. It is worth mentioning that during these years the caretaker government ratified the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC). It also undertook institutional reforms such as reconstitution of the Anti-Corruption Commission, of the Electoral Commission and the separation of powers. InShow MoreRelatedThe Future Of Bangladeshi Bank Essay1578 Words   |  7 Pages Future of Bangladeshi Bank Introduction Commercial banks, non-bank financial institution, insurance companies etc. are the main elements to build the financial sector of Bangladesh. The main role is played by banks in the financial sector of Bangladesh. Bank is the financial institution that deals with money through depositing money and then channels those funds into loaning activities. 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